The IJsvogel
A Craft Distillery
Ever wanted to take a look into a craft distillery that distills its own alcohol from beer and wine? Seize the opportunity now and visit ‘De IJsvogel’.
A visit to this water mill is an engaging and informative experience. A guided tour or visit will take you through the two crafts practiced here: that of a distiller and a miller. In the Netherlands, there are only a few “warm distillers,” which are distilleries that still distill their alcohol themselves, and ‘De IJsvogel’ is one of them.
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A visit is definitely worth it

A cosy day in Arcen
While you’re in Arcen, why not also visit the Hertog Jan Brewery? From authentic copper brewing kettles to a charming cellar with bottles of Grand Prestige from various years. During a brewery tour, led by an experienced guide, you’ll follow the complete brewing process. You’ll smell the hops, taste the malt, and of course… the beer. Afterwards, you can visit the brewery shop and Café de Hertog Jan Tasting Room.